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I have been working hard the last several days putting together the final list of films to round out the Contenders for 2023. These are all films that either scored more than a couple of precursor citations or which should have been covered to wrap up December. There are several of these titles, over thirty to be exact. That’s a lot of titles to cover before my final “update” article in two weeks. As such, I’m going to be flooding your eyeballs with these over the next two weeks. I want them all scheduled to post prior to the that follow up article, so the last should post by Jan. 16. That will come up to at least two per day from Thursday (tomorrow) through that Tuesday. I’ll start with three a day until I get down to where I can do the rest at two-per-day. Like the other titles, they won’t include the precursor information. That will be saved for one final update on or before Jan. 17. We’ll see how it goes. With 185 films highlighted this year, it’s going to be a grind.