It is with regret that I have decided to cancel this weekly feature. After more than 120 weeks of work, the polls are only pulling in a single vote each week (thanks, Pete!). As such, it’s not worth the amount of time required to put it together each week. I think the poll had a lot of potential but perhaps focusing on all the categories is what doomed it from the start. It was just too time consuming. Regardless, with this decision, The Friday Face-Off itself is probably done for a very long time. I love the concept but it doesn’t seem to generate as much interest as it should.
I have a few ideas of things I could replace it with, including a daily poll of the opinions of Best Picture nominees over the years but I’d like your thoughts before I just jump into something new. If you have an idea for a fun set of polls that tap into the Oscar legacy, let me know and we’ll see what we can put together. For now, thank you for all your support over the years even if this wasn’t one of your favorite activities.